Become mini brother! Morant watched the WNBA Finals on the spot and took photos with ace players.

Live Bar, September 12th news today’s WNBA finals G1, Las Vegas ace 67-64 nearly beat Connecticut Sun, leading the big score 1-0. Grizzly bear star Morant watched the game live and took photos with ace star ajar Wilson (No. 22) and Chelsea Gray (No. 12). In this game, ajar Wilson scored the team’s highest 24 points and 11 rebounds in 12 of the 14 free throws and 21 points, 2 rebounds and 3 assists in 9 of Chelsea Gray’s 17 shots. It is worth mentioning that Morant forwarded his photo with Chelsea Gray after the match, with the essay: “Two killers!” (gege)

Mihailuke: My first priority is to stay in NBA and not rule out playing in the Development League.

Live Bar, September 13 news recently, mihailuke, a player representing Ukraine in the European Championship, was interviewed by the media (Ukraine was eliminated from Poland in the 1/8th final of the European Championship). Speaking of his future plans, mihailuke said: “my first priority is to stay in the united states and find a contract in NBA. I will try my best to find all possibilities, my priority is still to stay in the NBA, but I do not rule out the possibility of playing in the Development League.” “I know I still have a lot of things to give. I want to continue learning and develop my ability in NBA.” Mihailuke said. Previously, during the European Championship, the Raptors announced that they had cut mihailuke. Last season, he could get 4.6 points, 1.6 boards and 0.8 help. (gege)

张陈治锋:我不想成为一个平庸的人 我的梦想就是打进NBA

我们一直在寻找中国篮球的希望所在。就如同现在的张陈治锋,你可能近期听说过他的名字。但我觉得,未来五年,张陈治锋的名字,会被外界越来越多的提及与关注。 今年随清华大学男篮夺得第24届中国大学生篮球联赛男子一级联赛冠军的张陈治锋,在此后与辽宁队签订了青年队合同并完成了注册,他目前在美国进行为期一年的特训。 2003年出生的张陈治锋,现在身高达到了2米15,曾在深圳的体校和俱乐部梯队接受过训练,后来就读清华附中、清华大学,曾多次入选中国男篮U系列国字号队伍,被视为颇具潜质的内线球员,他是中国篮球的希望之星。 辽宁队相关负责人曾经在接受采访时表示,球队愿意用数十年的青训底蕴和经验为张陈治锋的成长提供最好的土壤,为中国篮球人才培养的体系和模式多元化做出贡献。这足以显示出辽宁队对张陈治锋的期待,以及他的潜质。 我对正在美国特训的张陈治锋进行了专访,进一步了解他的成长经历与目标。 张陈治锋说:“我不想成为一个平庸的人,我的梦想就是打进NBA。”这句话令我印象深刻。 宋翔:网络上有关你的成长经历内容很少,能说说你的篮球成长经历吗? 张陈治锋:我小时候最开始是打网球的,4岁的时候开始接触网球,接受网球启蒙并逐步开始系统的训练,一直到12岁我都一直在打网球,这也为我的身体素质打下了很好的基础。因为我小时候个子长得特别快,后面家人就带我做了骨龄测试,结果显示我身高和臂展未来都很很好,预测身高是218cm ± 3,臂展预测有222cm,当时我比同龄人高出很多,不管是在学校还是和打网球的孩子比,所以就有了向篮球转型的想法。 篮球启蒙大概是在10岁,12岁正式去了深圳体校接受专业训练,所以初中时我基本就是一边在深圳龙岗外国语上课读书,一边在深圳体校训练打球。由于身体条件出众,高中我去了北京进到清华附中,能进入清华附中的都是天赋很好的球员,我在那里也面对更多竞争,这对于球员来说是非常有利的。 从小到大我都是边读书边练球,读书和打球两头抓,因为不管是家人对我的期望还是自己的想法,都是双向发展,读书和练球哪个都不能落下。我觉得读好书也非常重要,良好的基础教育能够帮助我在篮球的发展道路上走得更远,因为打好球不光是靠身体天赋,要有好的心理素质、知道如何应对压力和诱惑,要知道努力大于天赋,还要去理解技战术,更重要的是要学会规划时间与未来。 说心里话,从小到大周围的人不管是父母家人还是教练,他们都会首先支持我的想法,不会干涉我想做什么或者不想做什么,无论我做出什么样的选择,他们都是无条件支持我,竭尽所能为我创造条件,所以我一直认为自己是个幸运儿,能够在这样一个环境下成长,一路以来做自己想做的事情,周围人都不断给我鼓励、理解与支持,这对于一名球员来说真的是非常难得。 宋翔:听说你将在美国要特训一年时间,这段时间的特训有什么感受与收获? 张陈治锋:我对美国特训非常期待,我十分珍惜这次机会,在这段时间我会充分利用每一分每一秒去提高自己,我知道这是一个非常难得的机会,家人和教练为我来美国特训付出了非常多,对我而言能够来到全世界篮球水平最高的地方练球,有机会体验接受最先进的篮球训练,去跟不同的球员对抗竞争,在对抗实战中学习,我相信这一定能够让我提高,特训后有一个质的进步。 宋翔:你的篮球偶像是谁?希望自己日后成为什么类型的球员? 张陈治锋:杜兰特一直是我的偶像,我很喜欢他的球风,他是将顶级天赋和细腻的外线技术结合最好的一名球员。另外我也非常喜欢安东尼戴维斯和约基奇,他们都是现在NBA最棒的大个子球员,虽然风格和特点不同,AD身体素质出色,能跑能跳,在加入湖人有了詹姆斯的牵制,他更加如鱼得水,约老师虽然身体素质没有那么炸裂,但是他的篮球智商更高,通过那些神出鬼没的传球就可以看出,他还作为国际球员取得过MVP,我的终极目标就是成为他们一样的球员。 我平时会看很多集锦,尤其是杜兰特、AD和约基奇,通过研究他们的比赛录像,我会着重看他们在赛场上面对不同的对手如何应对,正确的阅读比赛,有很多很多值得学习的东西,因为我希望未来我能成为一个技术全面的大个儿,四五号位都能打,在场上可以做更多事情,帮助球队取得胜利。 宋翔:日后有冲击NBA梦想吗? 张陈治锋:一定的!我的梦想就是要打进NBA,这也是我来到美国的原因,要不然我也不会做出这样的选择来到美国。我愿意尝试新的机会、新的环境、新的挑战,我不想做一个平庸的人,我有天赋,也有家人和教练的支持,我会不断努力,不留遗憾。同时,我也希望能够通过自己的经历去鼓励更多和我一样怀有篮球梦想的球员,走出自己的舒适圈,在更先进的训练体系下训练和比赛,好的天赋加上正确的选择和勤奋的训练,才能兑现天赋,希望自己也能够为中国篮球的发展尽一份力。

CBS top 100 players in the new season (40-21): Chasing Dreams 34 Owen 31 Yingge 27 Harden 21

Live Bar, September 21 news — CBS, a well-known American Media, published a paper today to select the top 100 players in the league in the new season, with the following ranking ranking from 40 to 21. CBS top 100 players in the new season (100-81): Wei Shao 98 Tucker 93 pojin 85 Kuzma 82 CBS top 100 players in the new season (80-61): Caruso 77 S & P 71 players 61 CBS top 100 players in the new season (60-41): Maxi 52 Clay 49 mouth brother 43 Benxi 42 CBS top 100 players in the new season (top 20): letter brother takes the lead Curry second seat James seventh 40. Evan mobi 39. CJ-mccolum 38. Van frit 37. Garland 36. Xie Yi-Kyrgyzstan-Alexander 35. Jamal-Murray 34. Raymond Green 33. Derazan 32. Anthony Edward 31. Owen 30. Bill 29. Gobel 28. Adebayor 27. Ingram 26. Lavin 25. Zhu holerdi 24. Siakam 23. Middleton 22. Mitchell 21. Harden (Best 15th person)

Little Wagner: I hope that the war in Spain can continue to feel. Now I have to forget the victory against Greece.

Live broadcast bar, September 14, China News, Germany men’s basketball today, Leck Greece men’s basketball, advanced to the top 4 European Championship. After the game, little Wagner was interviewed by the media. Little Wagner played at 26 minutes 18 seconds in the game. He scored 19 points, 4 rebounds, 1 assists, 1 steals, and 1 cap in the 12-shot 7. Among them, tossing felt especially hot, and 5 in the 3-point 7. During the interview, the reporter also asked whether he would find a venue to vote again at night. “Not tonight. Tomorrow and The Day After Tomorrow, I will throw some more three-pointer goals, hoping to hit them in the match against Spain on Saturday.” Said little Wagner. The victory made German men’s basketball and German fans happy, but Wagner said they needed to forget the victory as soon as possible and prepare for the next match. “To be honest, we only want to win the next game now. We got a great victory tonight, but we need to forget it as soon as possible and prepare for the match against Spain.” Said little Wagner. At 02:30 on Saturday, Beijing time, Germany men’s basketball will compete with Spain men’s basketball for the final seat. (Tielin) Soraka gathered! Focus on European Basketball Championship

Silas: inspired by the competition in the team, we will try our best to give full play to the advantages of the players.

Live broadcast on September 20 news Rockets coach Silas talked about the training of his team members this summer and the upcoming training camp in an interview this week. The Rockets team now has seven first-round shows in the past two years, as well as qualified rotating players such as Eric Gordon, Tate, little Kevin-PROTONIC, and the competition in the team is not easy, speaking of this, Silas said: “I am encouraged by this. I am looking forward to the competition in the training camp. I am also encouraged to have multiple options and can compete in various ways. The competition on the playing time and switch position will be very fierce, which is always a good thing.” Talking about how to make good use of these players, Silas continued: “We need to make efforts to remedy mistakes in the match. We have to organize the players as well as possible, let them know how to play well and how to defend correctly. When we play more tactics, we have to know how to give full play to our advantages.” “How can we let Jay Green break through the basket? How can we get little Kevin-PROTONIC to regain the ball right when there is no ball? There are still many similar questions, and we will try to answer them one by one at the preparation meeting.” Silas added. (Lin Yuan)

Yang Yi: Yao Ming gave all his sponsor money to CBA. He sacrificed a lot.

Live broadcast, September 16 -basketball commentator Yang Yi talked about Yao Ming when talking about the root cause of Chinese basketball in a program yesterday. “No matter what others say, you can’t say that about Dayao in this position. The world has commented on how Yao performed and how he did in this position. But if you want to say that Yao doesn’t understand how to do basketball well, doesn’t pay attention to the development of teenagers, or that Yao doesn’t do long-term things for his own black gauze cap, I don’t agree with this. You should know that Dayao made a great sacrifice as the chairman of the Basketball Association.” “China Life was originally Yao Ming’s own sponsor. He moved his sponsor to CBA and told the sponsor that you should not give me money in the future, but you should give the League money. You can still use my image. Just this one, do you know how much it costs here? It was originally someone else’s personal money, isn’t it a small money? Although everyone has money, are rich people so generous? Are rich people willing to sacrifice for their career? Therefore, if you want to say that Yao doesn’t want to cure the root cause of Chinese basketball, you have no reason to say it anywhere.”