Dream chasing: I think KD wants to join Warriors before we reverse Thunder 1-3. He wants to play team basketball

Live broadcast, September 16 -dream chasing, a previous guest podcasting program, talked about Durant’s reason for joining the Warriors in 2016. “Because Durant wants to play that kind of excellent basketball, have you seen the kind of basketball we play. Each of us is transferring the ball. If Curry feels good, each of us will cover for him and pass the ball to him. We have a good time. “Durant wants to play excellent basketball, and our way of playing is the best. Each of us is running and transferring the ball. Except for Spurs, there is no other team playing like us. Before that, no one passed the ball to anyone. Everyone played in a way of blocking and dismantling, and then sought opportunities for misplaced singles. “NBA was like this at that time, and then we changed the way we played basketball. KD saw that he also wanted to play this kind of basketball. Now the whole league is playing this kind of basketball, but we are the first to do so.” Said chasing dreams. The host asked again and again whether this meant Durant didn’t want to play with some people. He finally replied, “if Yogueta wants to play with us, it was obvious that he didn’t want to play (with some people). I believe in my heart that Durant already wanted to join us before we reversed them 1-3. I think this is not to say that he no longer wants to play with Wei Shao, but that he wants to play our type of basketball.” (Andy)

Western media: Argentine defender campanzo is close to returning to his old boss Real Madrid

Live Bar, September 11 news according to Spanish media Levo, Argentine defender campanzo is close to returning to the old club Real Madrid men’s basketball. The media said that campanzo also opened the door to continue to fight in NBA, but at present, it is more feasible to return to Real Madrid. Campanzo’s contract with the Nuggets has expired and he is now a free agent. In the 2021-22 season, campanzo played 65 regular season matches and scored 5.1 points, 1.8 rebounds, 3.4 assists and 1 steals in 18.2 minutes. (Lewis44) Summary

Ginobili: Puzzle players who want to win the championship should thank Bowen and Bonner.

Live Bar, September 11 news today, at the Hall of Fame Awards ceremony in 2022, Ginobili was selected and gave a speech on the stage, during which he thanked Bruce Bowen, Bonner and other role players. “As you know, GDP has brought many victories. They are all stars, MVP, and the best manager in history is coaching them. But to win the championship and become a real team, many jigsaw players are needed. At this point, we have many such excellent players. For example, Bruce Bowen, you have made my work easier. You have been trying to defend everyone. Thank you. And my Bonner, no matter where you are, I won’t forget you this time. You are a great teammate and have spent a lot of interesting time with you. I can say hundreds of names like this here, and I am very grateful to you.” Ginobili said so. (Basket Zhao) 32 32 2022 Naismith Hall of Fame: lead by Ginobili

[Superstar honor] O’Neal: 4 crowns + 3FMVP +2 scoresSharks show their killing power

Shaquille O’Neal was selected by the champion of magic at the 1992 draft conference. His excellent physical quality made O’Neal invincible in NBA. The prestige of “big shark” had already resounded through the whole league. In his career, O’Neal has played for magic, Lakers, heat, sun, Knight and Celtics one after another. Besides his super internal dominance, his lively and funny character is also talked about. 4-time championship 3 Finals MVP 1 regular season MVP 15 All-Star 3 All-Star game MVP Selected as the best rookie team Elected best rookie 2-time scoring king ⛹◆ 8 times best lineup for a while Second best lineup second array 4 times best lineup three times 3 times best defensive squad 2 Selected as the top 75 players in NBA history Selected Into Hall of Fame Lakers No. 34 retired jersey Heat 32 retired jersey

14 points, 11 boards, 7 boards, 7 help to get out of the market and never get out of the top four! FIBA official show the lost photo of Dong Qiqi:💔

Live Bar, September 15 -today’s men’s basketball European Championship 1/4 final, Slovenia men’s basketball 87-90 lost to Poland men’s basketball, and failed to advance to the top 4 European Championship. At 34 minutes 44 seconds in the game, Dong Qiqi played in the game. He made 5 out of 15 shots, 3 out of 8 out of 3 points, and 1 out of 4 free throws. He got 14 points, 11 rebounds, 7 assists, 1 snatch 1 Cap, and there were 6 mistakes. Dong Qiqi left at the end of the game with five criminals. After the official FIBA game, the photo of Dong Qiqi’s lost departure was displayed and the essay was written:” (Best 15th person) Soraka gathered! Focus on European Basketball Championship

Lakers official Xuan re-signed Schroeder: he is very tough!

Live Bar, September 17 -today, the Lakers officially announced that the team signed back Schroeder again. “He is very tough!”The Lakers official wrote in the text. According to previous reports, Schroeder and the Lakers signed a contract of $2.64 million a year. Schroeder played for the Lakers in the 20-21 season, when he averaged 15.4 points, 3.5 boards, 5.8 and 1.1 steals. (Shrimp catcher) ******************** 2022NBA off-season transaction & signing official announcement


​​22日,女篮世界杯即将打响。中国女篮在时隔四年后再次向着更高目标发起了强劲冲击。四年前,中国女篮在世界杯上位列第六。今年,她们很有希望登上领奖台。中国女篮在过去几年中经历了一些变化,包括主教练变化,部分球员更换等,但在球队整体框架、阵容搭建、球队打法等多方面,都与此前保持了基本一致,这也是她们依旧保持强劲冲击力的重要原因。 目前这支中国女篮最核心的位置是内线,两个WNBA球员韩旭与李月汝,将在今年世界杯上承担更重的责任,她们的表现在一定程度上决定着中国女篮的成绩上限。 中国女篮在过去几年中经历了一些变化,比如主教练由许利民变为了郑薇。这次世界杯是郑薇真正意义上带队出战的世界大赛,虽然她此前已经完成了带队征战世预赛的三场比赛。郑薇在此前多年担任中国女篮的助教,她有着比较丰富的教练经验。 此前,郑薇带队完成了世预赛的三场比赛,以全部胜利告终。而这次郑薇将带领中国女篮向世界杯发起冲击。郑薇在此前接受采访时透露了球队的备战情况:中国女篮在今年五月时开始集中训练,但由于一些客观原因,球员们在集中后的一个多月时间内都是用来恢复身体。球队真正备战世界杯的前后时间是两个多月,这中间球队也前往欧洲进行海外拉练。中国女篮在这段海外拉练过程中收获不小,对手规格与质量都不错,达到了热身赛的目的。 但同时,中国女篮两个主力内线韩旭与李月汝由于征战本赛季的WNBA比赛,因而归队时间被迫延后,再加上身体疲劳以及一些小的伤病,使得她们与球队磨合的时间不算长,这也是中国女篮的一个不利方面。再像是中国女篮也有一些人员变化,比如邵婷、孙梦然因为一些原因离开球队,金维娜、迪拉娜进入到队伍。 虽然中国女篮经历了一些变化,但这支球队仍然保持了很强的竞争力。这支球队的阵容比较平衡,后卫、锋线与内线都有不错的深度与厚度的球员储备可供使用。最大优势是内线方面,韩旭与李月汝经过这个赛季WNBA锻炼与提高,这让她们的比赛自信心再次提升。韩旭明确表示自己希望在世界杯上为中国女篮承担更多的责任。李月汝则表示自己在过去几个月内并未展示出最好的自己,但希望能够在世界杯这个更大的舞台上去证明自己。其他球队很少有中国女篮兼具身高、体重、技术的内线球员,这也是在很大程度上决定着中国女篮成绩上限的重要因素。更重要的是,22岁的韩旭 、23岁的李月汝都经历过四年前的世界杯以及东京奥运会的洗礼与历练,她们已经积累了一定的大赛经验。 同时,中国女篮其他的大多数球员也都有不错的大赛经验。包括杨力维、黄思静、王思雨、李梦、李缘都经历过四年前的世界杯,潘臻琦、张茹、武桐桐也代表中国女篮出战过去年的奥运会。由此可见,这支队伍的大赛经验值并不低,她们都打过比较重要的比赛,见识过大场面。 最后,中国女篮这批球员都是处于职业生涯的上升期与黄金期。最大的球员是金维娜,也只有30岁。最年轻的是李缘,22岁。绝大多数球员都是在25岁上下。这样的阵容配置让中国女篮有绝对的体能基础与比赛持续力,而这将会保障队伍的整体防守质量。 在世界杯开赛前,国际篮联更新了参赛球队的战力排名。与此前一期相比,中国女篮排名下降了1位,由第二变为第三。但即便如此,中国女篮仍然位列前三的位置。这显示出中国女篮确实具备创造佳绩的实力与可能性。

Media person: Guo Allen appeared in Liaoning training hall and completed the recovery training accompanied by foreign teacher Wallace.

Live Bar, September 15 news today, media person @ director where I lie CBA updated Guo Allen’s dynamics on my personal microblog again. The original microblog wrote: “Just now, Allen completed his first recovery training in the training hall accompanied by foreign teacher Wallace.” Wallace’s previous job was to help Morland carry out recovery training. After Morland’s return, his excellent state made Wallace recognized by Liaoning men’s basketball coaching staff and finally won a contract for the team. Related news: Media person: Guo Allen officially renewed Liaoning men’s basketball Online rumor! Guo Allen studio: there is no progress in the contract renewal negotiations. (Ha Yi d)

Rise of new forces! The grizzly bear official pushed a picture to celebrate the inclusion of five people including Morante in the ESPN season.

Live Bar, September 23 News ESPN, a well-known media, recently announced the ranking of 100 players in the new season. A total of five players were selected by the grizzly bear. The grizzly bear officials then posted pictures to celebrate. The five grizzly bear players selected are Morant (9), little Jaron Jackson (53), Bain (68) and Dillon Brooks (77) and Brandon Clark (94). Related News esp>>> ESPN new season player TOP1-5: letter Brother 1 yokedge 2 East qich 3 enbide 4 Curry 5 ESPN new season player TOP6-10: James 6 Rex rabbit 7 KD8 Morant 9 Booker 10 ESPN new season players rank TOP11-25: Harden 11 mini truck 12 George 15 heavy eyebrows 20 Paul 21 ESPN new season players rank TOP26-100: Clay 37 Wei Shao 65 Simmons 76 (Best 15th person)