Official: Xinjiang team signed a contract with foreign player Tucker Farr

Live Bar, September 18 -xinjiang team officially announced that the team had signed a contract with foreign player Tucker Farr. The original text is as follows: Welcome Tucker Farr! Xinjiang Guanghui basketball club signed a contract with foreign player Tucker Farr. After our club formally submits the registration materials to CBA company and passes the examination and publicity, Farr will represent Xinjiang Yili King wine team to participate in the CBA league in the 2022-2023 season. Tacko Fall was born in Senegal on December 10, 1995. He is 28 meters tall and weighs 140 kilograms. He serves as a center. In college, Farr was once awarded the best defensive player of the year. In NBA, he was twice selected as the best defensive team in NBA Development League. In NBA Celtics, Farr is also known as the mascot of the Green Army. He always maintains good relations with his teammates and is deeply loved by fans. In the early morning of this morning,# takafar# arrived in Urumqi smoothly. Guo Zhun, the general manager of Xinjiang Guanghui basketball club, went to the airport to greet him and sent welcome flowers on behalf of the club. Farr will conduct joint exercises at the club training base for a period of time, and then embark on the journey of the new season with the team. The joining of Farr is an important supplement to the inner line of Xinjiang Yili King wine team in the new season. His arms with a height and an arm length reach 2 meters 53, and he is good at protecting the frame, rebounding and capping. I hope he can hold up the no-fly zone inside the team through his own performance and work together with his teammates to offer more wonderful matches to the fans!” (Snake male Sherman)

A little handsome! Gao Shiyan Sun photo: there is nothing wrong with the first three faces of this side

Live broadcast bar, September 19 -shandong men’s basketball player Gao Shiyan updated social media, showed a selfie and wrote: “There is nothing wrong with the first three faces of this side.” Previously, according to the report of Shenyang Daily, Gao Shiyan, the head of Liaoning men’s basketball club, officially signed a contract with Shandong men’s basketball club in Jinan, with a record transfer fee of 25 million yuan. Gao Shiyan played 35 games for Shandong men’s basketball last season, with an average contribution of 12.5 points, 4.5 rebounds, 7.9 assists and 2.1 steals.

Helpless and reluctant to lose! Schroder 17 middle 11 air cut 30 Points 8 help Germany stop semi-finals

Live broadcast bar, September 17 -today’s European Championship semi-final, Germany men’s basketball 91-96 lost to Spain. German defender Schroder continued to play his best in this game. He played at 35 minutes 49 seconds in the whole game, 17 shots 11 Hollow cut 30 points 1 rebound 8 assists 2 steals, of which 3 out of 7 points, 5 out of 5 free throws, however, Germany stopped the semi-finals. (gege) Soraka gathered! Focus on European Basketball Championship

Dimensionality reduction strike! China’s women’s basketball rebound is more than twice that of South Korea. Hit rate & assists are three times that of rivals.

Live Bar, September 22-China Women’s Basketball beat South Korea 107-44 women’s basketball in a World Cup match that ended earlier. In this game, China Women’s Basketball rolled South Korea women’s basketball in an all-round way, with more than twice the number of rebounds (51 to 21) and three times the assists (30 to 10), field goal percentage is more than three times that of the other party (63% to 20%). (Tielin)

Key Sir × 2! Gobel & Hao telhe cut 39 points 15 boards 10 help 2 to determine the victory

Live Bar, September 15 -france defeated Italy with 93-85 plus hours in the 1/4 final of the European Championship. The score of this game was once very sticky, but in the last quarter and overtime, the French center Gobel and the defender Hao Tel successively helped the French team bite the score with the inner height and the top shot, and they won the game in the plus time! In this game, Gobel first played for 34 minutes, 8 in 11, 3 in 4 free throws, 19 points, 14 boards, 2 help 1 break, positive and negative values are the highest +20 in the game. Hao Tel played a substitute for 31 minutes, 8 out of 14, 4 out of 7 in 3, cut 20 points, 1 board, 8 Help 1 break, and scored the key investment in the final round of the match! (Ouch) Soraka gathered! Focus on European Basketball Championship

[Night talk] how far do you think the Lakers can go next season if there is no big deal?

The Lakers today announced the signing of the old General Schroeder, which further improved the depth of the rear guard line. Currently, the No. 1 team has three powerful players with complementary styles: Wei Shao, Beverly and Schroeder. At present, in addition to 360, the core lineup of the Lakers includes Beverly, Schroeder, Lonnie Walker, Reeves, Thomas Bryant and other players. So, if there is no big deal in the future, how far do you think the Lakers’ current lineup can go?

Trail Blazers official: little Peyton underwent surgery in July and is expected to fully recover at the beginning of the regular season.

Live Bar, September 17-today, the trailblazer officially posted an update on Peyton’s injury. Peyton had an operation in July to solve the core muscle injury. His recovery is progressing smoothly and is expected to be fully recovered at the beginning of the regular season. During the off-season this year, Peyton left the Warriors and signed a contract of $28 million for three years with the pioneers. (Fontaine)

归化后卫曾遭抵制却带西班牙进决赛 超强表现令“真香定律”应验

加鲁巴低位持球策应,洛伦佐-布朗无球跑位到左侧底角,人到球到,布朗接球命中关键三分。 此时,距离男篮欧锦赛半决赛结束还有3分11秒,布朗这记价值连城的三分帮西班牙面对德国建立6分优势。 最后半分钟,当德国采取犯规战术做最后挣扎时,布朗站上罚球线稳稳四罚全中,西班牙在最多落后10分的情况下最终以96-91险胜德国,晋级欧锦赛决赛。 全场比赛,布朗出战33分39秒17投11中,其中三分球7投3中,外加罚球4罚全中拿下29分外加6次助攻,是西班牙取胜头号功臣。 赛后采访,西班牙主帅斯卡里奥罗忙不迭夸赞弟子说:“我们真开心能拥有他,他的队友们也开心西班牙国家队这个大家庭中有他。” 这就是所谓的竞技体育,赢家通吃。 西班牙赢球、进了决赛,“真香定律”应验,布朗成了西班牙将帅、球迷眼里的英雄。可两个多月前,情况可不是这样,布朗因为接受归化加入西班牙遭到了西班牙国家队某些球员的反对,连西班牙职业球员协会也专门发声明表示抵制。 可短短两个多月过后,布朗用出色的表现成了西班牙国家队真大腿,当初反对他作为归化球员加入西班牙的人要么改口,要么闭嘴不提。 2022年是西班牙各年龄段国家队的丰收年,从U16到U18,西班牙争金夺银,将青训体系的优势展露无遗。但2022年男篮欧锦赛前,西班牙成年组国家队却遇到了多年未见的窘境,向来不缺好控卫的他们竟然找不出一个能委以重任的球员。 卢比奥仍处于膝盖重伤后的恢复期,老将塞尔吉奥-罗德里格兹东京奥运后已经退役,连一直活在火箭球迷想象中的塞尔吉奥-鲁尔也已经34岁状态暴跌,无力肩负起国家队主控的责任。 斯卡里奥罗和西班牙篮协主席加巴约萨在确定大名单时犯了愁。突然有一天,一通打给加巴约萨的电话让他有了峰回路转的感觉,这通电话来自布朗的经纪人,布朗主动向西班牙示好,表态愿意放弃美国国籍加入西班牙国籍,代表西班牙出战。 得知这个消息,加巴约萨喜笑颜开,因为2021-22赛季,布朗在欧冠联赛场均轰下13.8分、3.6个篮板、6.1次助攻,妥妥的FIBA大杀器。论能力,布朗绝对可以作为西班牙国家队主控出战,但加巴约萨不确定布朗能否融入西班牙的体系。毕竟,布朗是土生土长的美国人,他是美国篮球体系的产物,他不像伊巴卡,伊巴卡虽然也是归化球员但毕竟是西班牙青训体系的产物。 加巴约萨将布朗愿意接受西班牙归化的消息通知了斯卡里奥罗,三年前布朗和斯卡里奥罗在猛龙时有过短暂的合作,斯卡里奥罗认为布朗能给西班牙提供帮助,他并不担心没有西班牙篮球背景的布朗加入球队会导致球队内部分裂。 斯卡里奥罗认可,加巴约萨点头,布朗入籍西班牙一事火速推进。2022年7月份,布朗正式入籍西班牙,并成为了国家队成员。 在时代的巨浪面前,变总比不变要好。归化早已是国际篮坛的一股潮流,西班牙这些年也尝到了不少甜头。只要符合归化规则,只要能给西班牙的战斗力带来加成,西班牙无所谓这个球员是否有西班牙篮球背景、西班牙血统。 西班牙传奇球星保罗-加索尔支持布朗入籍,他认为这就是国家队从满足球队对优秀控卫的需求所做的努力而已,他相信布朗能帮助西班牙。可是,并不是所有西班牙业内人士都像加索尔这般开明。 老将鲁迪-费尔南德兹公开表示:“归化一个没有西班牙篮球背景的球员是不对的,他跟我们这个国家毫无关联。我跟米罗蒂奇、伊巴卡合作过,他们也是归化球员,但他们至少从小就在西班牙训练,他们与这个国家有特殊的联系。布朗来了之后,一些本来有机会在这支球队赢得位置的球员就失去了这种机会。” 西班牙职业球员协会更是发布声明写道:“让一个毫无西班牙血统的球员加入国家队向运动员们传递了一个有害的信号,此举对现在和未来都有负面影响。难道堂堂的世界冠军队找不到一个西班牙球员帮球队在最高水准的国际比赛中参与竞争?这可信吗?” 这些反对的声音没有能阻止布朗踏上欧锦赛征程,布朗能感受到部分西班牙业内人士和球迷对他的敌意,但他屏蔽了这些噪音,他说自己不想卷入这些无意义的争论中,他只是想给西班牙争冠做出贡献,帮西班牙回击那些看衰他们的人。 小组赛5场比赛,西班牙4胜1负,布朗的表现并不稳定。在输给比利时一战,布朗拿下11分、8助攻但有4次失误,在场正负值为-14分。但进入淘汰赛后,布朗仿佛换了档,突然之间将表现提升到了另一个层次。16进8打立陶宛,布朗狂砍28分、8助攻,其中加时赛他一人拿下12分,还用助攻制造了5分,西班牙涉险晋级。 立陶宛前锋库兹明斯卡斯酸溜溜说,不知道西班牙若没归化球员会是什么样子。而之前反对布朗加入球队的费尔南德兹则被彻底打服:“他来球队是帮助球队的,我很开心布朗在这支球队。” 8进4打芬兰,布朗只出手9次拿到10分,但他送出11次助攻,西班牙在他串联下狂砍100分,最终净胜10分晋级四强。半决赛打德国,布朗则拿下了29分、6助攻,西班牙成功晋级决赛,他们对手将是法国。 本届欧锦赛打到现在,布朗8场比赛场均拿下15.4分、7.1个助攻,得分排在赛事第19位,助攻排在第6位。在讲究严丝合缝、精密配合的西班牙国家队,布朗一边执行斯卡里奥罗的战术理念分享球,一边用强攻能力给西班牙注入美式风格,他宛如卢比奥和“炸弹”纳瓦罗的合体,做到了攻传一体。 依然不是所有西班牙球迷都认可布朗,但就像加鲁巴说的: “或许有些人不喜欢西班牙归化布朗,但只要归化布朗让我们赢球了,其他一切就无所谓。” 使用归化球员?你支持还是反对