Live Bar, September 13 news according to the reporter Chase Hughes of The Wizard team, the wizard team will start training camp on September 25, Beijing time, and the media day will be September 24. On September 30 and October 2, Beijing time, Wizards and Warriors will also play two pre-season matches in Japan. On October 20, the wizard’s regular season opener will challenge the walkers away. (gege)
Month: April 2023
The best lineup without a crown in active service CP3 Wei Shao led! American media asked: who won the championship first among the five?
Live broadcast bar, September 23 news US media Basketball Forever today selected the best five-person group without Champion Stars in active service and launched a topic. The five stars are: Paul (Sun), Anthony (free agent), Westbrook (Lakers), Ross (Knicks) and Lillard (trailblazers). Basketball Forever ask: who can get their championship ring first for these five stars? Overseas netizens are all optimistic about Paul and think Ross is basically hopeless. What do you think of bar friends?
Tate: We have been at a low ebb for the past two years. Everyone is trying to get better this summer.
Live Bar, September 13 today, rocket held its annual company-wide service day. Rocket player Sean Tate participated in the event and was interviewed by the media. The Rockets have been at the bottom of the league in the past two seasons, but their training this summer is encouraging and gives people reason to believe that the team will get better in the future. “This is definitely one of the most crowded dressing rooms during the break period I spent here. Everyone came to the stadium this summer and tried to get better and prepare for the new season.” Tate said, “We have been at a low ebb for the past two years, so now there is only one way to go, and that is to move forward. I have learned more experience from the past year. I am about to enter the third season of my personal career, and Kevin junior is entering his fourth year PROTONIC. I think this experience will help us get through the new season and make this year better. At the same time, with the addition of newcomers, we will continue to build team culture.” In the regular season of the 2021-22 season, Tate Rockets played 78 games, with an average of 11.8 points, 5.4 rebounds and 2.8 assists. (Chenchen)
Savo will sell the team! Xiao Hua declared: fully support his decision this is the right next step
Live Bar, September 22 news according to the previous report, NBA announced the investigation and punishment results of the previous charges of racial discrimination and misogyny against Sun & Mercury (WNBA team) boss Savo, savo was banned from participating in all affairs of the sun and Mercury team for one year and fined 10 million dollars. Today, the boss of Phoenix Suns and Mercury released a statement: looking for buyers for these two teams. NBA President issued a statement: “I fully support Robert Savo’s decision to sell the Suns and mercury, which is the right step forward for the organization.” (gege)
Sexton contract details: four-year full guarantee without option 2 million high difficulty bonus
Live Bar, September 16 -during the off-season this year, Sexton got a four-year contract worth 72 million dollars by signing first and then changing to join jazz. Celebrity Keith Smith reported the contract details of Sexton today. According to reports, Sexton’s contract contains a total of 2 million dollars, but it is extremely difficult to get a bonus (500000 dollars per season). The four-year contract is fully guaranteed and does not contain any options. If the bonus is included, the salaries of Sexton in the next four years are: 22-23 season 16,500,000 dollars, 23-24 season 17,, 000 dollars, 24-25 season 18,150,000 dollars, 25-26 season 18,975,000 dollars. At the beginning of last season, Sexton suffered a tear in the left knee and was reimbursed for the season. He played 11 games in the 21-22 season, with an average of 16 points, 3.3 rebounds and 2.1 assists. (Best 15th person)
Women’s Basketball World Cup-Stewart 22 points 4 boards 3 Help 3 break 3 caps US win Belgium welcome the opening
Live Bar, September 22 -in the women’s basketball World Cup group match, the United States defeated Belgium 87-72, ushering in a good start. In this game, Brianna Stewart scored 22 points, 4 rebounds, 3 assists, 3 steals, 3 cap in 8 of the 18th Middle School, and 4 people who led the team scored double. Alisa Thomas contributed 14 points, 7 rebounds, 9 assists, 2 steals; the three champions of the WNBA championship-ajar Wilson, Chelsea-gray and plam did not play. Only two people in Belgium scored double points. Messman, who played in the WNBA playoffs, scored only 4 points, 4 rebounds, 4 assists, 1 steals, 1 cap. (Lewis44)
Monte Morris: I have known Kuzma since I was a child. I have many chemical reactions with him.
Live Bar, September 16 -today, Wizards player Monte Morris talked about Kuzma in an interview with reporters. Morris said, “Kuzma is one of my best friends. We met when we were very young. When we were about 6-7 years old, we were in the same classroom at that time, we played in the same AUU team, so we kept in touch and dreamed of playing for the same NBA team in the future. Now the dream has come true, and this feeling is too unrealistic.” Then Morris said, “I want to play with Kuzma. You will see that we have a lot of chemical reactions, which will be very interesting.” Monte Morris came to the Wizards in pop trading this summer, and he averaged 12.6 points 3.0 rebounds 4.4 assists last season. (Xingqi)
今天莫兰特以别出心裁的方式致敬了库里、利拉德和麦科勒姆等前辈,称这3人为他铺平了道路,“我们都并非来自篮球名校。” 在NCAA有所谓“NBA人才输出大户”的说法,诸多名校被球迷津津乐道,但也有不少球星并非来自名校,却同样在NBA取得了卓越的成就,正所谓“英雄不问出处”。本文就来盘点10大并非来自篮球名校的现役全明星(按球星的姓氏英文首字母排序)。 1、库里:戴维森学院 在今年夺得第4冠,且首次当选总决赛MVP后,库里的生涯又上了一个台阶,被认为已可跻身NBA历史前10之列。但当初身为“星二代”的库里却并非来自名校。他就读的戴维森学院仅为NBA输送了6名球员,且在库里之前,该校长达11年没有球员能打进NBA。而上一次该校有球员通过选秀进入NBA,还是在遥远的1970年。 除库里外,来自戴维森学院的球员也未能在NBA掀起波澜,没有一人入选过全明星。其中仅有1979年随超音速夺冠的迪克-斯奈德值得一提。在戴维森学院,库里2次入选全美最佳阵容,还曾拿下单季得分王,30号球衣也在此退役。 2、加兰:范德比尔特大学 在2021-22赛季,加兰的生涯迎来飞跃,他首次入选全明星。而他当年也并非来自名校。范德比尔特大学共为NBA输送了30名球员,但大多岌岌无名。现役球员中,除了加兰外,来自该校且较为知名的仅有卡罗尔和达米安-琼斯等。 而在退役球员中值得一提的,除了曾随勇士夺冠的埃泽里,以及曾经历过公牛第一次三连冠的中锋威尔-珀杜外,就是一位名叫简-范布雷达-考尔夫的球员。他出名是因其父布奇,此君曾在湖人执教2季,在1969年总决赛抢七战拒绝让张伯伦出场的就是他。 3、乔治:弗雷斯诺州大 快船双核都并非名校出品。乔治当年被评为三星高中生,并未获得篮球名校的青睐。他起初承诺加盟圣克拉拉大学,经高中教练劝说后撤销;他接着承诺佩珀代因大学,却因该校帅位更迭而撤销。最终,考虑到能获得充足的出场时间,乔治拒绝了乔治城大学和宾夕法尼亚州大,选择了弗雷斯诺州大。 算上乔治,弗雷斯诺州大共为NBA输送了23名球员。除了乔治,较为知名的仅有阿尔斯通,以及上赛季效力76人和马刺的泰勒-约翰逊。事实证明,乔治的选择是明智的。在弗雷斯诺州大效力2季,他入选过WAC赛区二阵,24号球衣也在此退役。 4、海沃德:巴特勒大学 海沃德来自巴特勒大学,这所高校在前几年曾闻名遐迩,现凯尔特人总管史蒂文斯当年在此执教期间,曾率队在2010、2011年连续闯入NCAA决赛。海沃德参加了前一场决赛。二人的师徒情也为2017年海沃德投奔绿军埋下了伏笔。 算上海沃德,巴特勒大学总共才为NBA输送了7名球员,大多名头不够响亮,海沃德是其中最大牌的。效力于此期间,海沃德当选过赛区最佳球员,2次入选该赛区一阵。 5、莱昂纳德:圣迭戈州大 和乔治一样,莱昂纳德也并非名校出身。高中毕业后,莱昂纳德曾被评为四星高中生,在2009年全美高中生中排名第48位,就此选择圣迭戈州大。算上他,该校仅为NBA输送了14名球员,毫无疑问莱昂纳德是其中最大牌的。除他外,只有如今效力黄蜂的杰伦-麦克丹尼尔斯比较知名。他的弟弟杰登目前效力于森林狼。 在圣迭戈州大,莱昂纳德留下了印迹。他入选过一次全美二阵,2次入选赛区一阵,并率队2次夺得MWC赛区冠军,还成为校史第二位享受退役球衣殊荣的男篮球员。 6、利拉德:韦伯州大 尽管入选75大颇有争议,但无人能否认利拉德的巨星身份。而他也并非名校出身。当年,利拉德仅被评为二星高中生,自然无法获得名校青睐。至于为何选择韦伯州大,利拉德亲承有2大原因:他们是第一所对他感兴趣的高校,还能让他远离家乡奥克兰的暴力街区。 算上利拉德,韦伯州大总共才为NBA输送了11名球员,利拉德是其中最大牌的。在此效力期间,利拉德入选过全美三阵,3次入选赛区一阵,2次当选赛区最佳球员,1号球衣也在此退役。而他在此共得到1934分也高居校史第二。 7、米尔萨普:路易斯安那理工 今年自由球员市场开启至今,米尔萨普仍未找到下家,37岁的他可能就此退役。身为4届全明星,米尔萨普并非来自名校。当年他被评为三星高中生,在全美2003届高中生中仅排第115位。为此他的选择有限,最终选择了路易斯安那理工。 算上米尔萨普,路易斯安那理工仅为NBA输送了9名球员,但其中也涌现过精英。最大牌的莫过于卡尔-马龙,此外还有PJ-布朗。但除他们三人外,其他人岌岌无名。在此效力3季,米尔萨普成为NCAA史上唯一连续3年篮板排名全美第一的球员,并入选过赛区一阵。 8、莫兰特:穆雷州大 莫兰特结缘穆雷州大的过程颇有传奇性。高中毕业后,莫兰特竟成了“零星高中生”,只有南卡罗莱纳大学发出过邀请。有一次,他在一场3对3比赛中被穆雷州大助教詹姆斯-凯恩偶然发现,后者立刻致电主帅,当机立断开出奖学金。在莫兰特承诺加盟后,他的父亲曾表示:“每一位父母都希望他们的孩子能上名校,但我的看法却是,不要去你想去的地方,而是去需要你的地方。” 算上莫兰特,穆雷州大总共为NBA输送了13名球员。在莫兰特之前,唯一知名的是名人堂巨星乔-福尔克斯。他2入全明星,4次入选最佳阵容,拿过得分王,还率费城勇士夺得NBA元年(1946-47)的总冠军。 莫兰特续写了前辈的辉煌。他在穆雷州大入选过全美一阵,拿过NCAA助攻王,2次入选赛区一阵,还当选赛区最佳球员,并包揽卢克-奥尔森奖和鲍勃-库西奖,12号球衣也在此退役。 9、西亚卡姆:新墨西哥州大 西亚卡姆和新墨西哥州大也是不得不说的一则故事。早先西亚卡姆对篮球兴趣缺缺,在巴莫特的帮助下才接触篮球,并在18岁移居美国。知名度不高的他自然无法获得高校青睐,好在人脉广泛,且一向对引进外籍新人颇有兴趣的新墨西哥州大男篮主帅慧眼识珠。 算上西亚卡姆,新墨西哥州大共为NBA输送了17名球员。在西亚卡姆之前,仅有萨姆-莱西打出名头。此君入选NBA全明星,44号球衣也在国王退役。在这里,西亚卡姆表现出色,在第二季打出场均20+10,当选过赛区最佳新生和最佳球员,还获得全美最佳阵容的提名。 10、克莱-汤普森:华盛顿州大 和快船双核类似,水花兄弟也都并非名校出身。身为“星二代”的汤普森在高中毕业后,被评为四星高中生,在2008届全美高中生中排名第51位,选择华盛顿州大也就顺理成章了。 算上汤普森,华盛顿州大共为NBA输送了20名球员。除汤普森外,名头较响亮的只有2届全明星詹姆斯-唐纳德森,以及曾效力骑士的克雷格-埃洛。此君最为知名的,是1989年乔丹以超强滞空命中“The Shot”绝杀骑士时,他正是那个防守乔丹的倒霉蛋。 汤普森在华盛顿州大留下了美好记忆。他成为校史首位连续2年入选赛区一阵的球员。在这里效力的第三季,他共得到733分,刷新校史单季总得分纪录。此外,他的三分命中数在校史也排名第三,还成为该校第二位享受球衣退役殊荣的男篮球员。(仰卧撑/毛毛)
Go to Alipay to get China women’s basketball exclusive payment code skin to cheer for China women’s basketball!
At 15:30 Beijing time today, China women’s basketball is about to face South Korea women’s basketball. Search for “women’s basketball come on” on Alipay. The first Chinese women’s basketball exclusive payment code “women’s basketball come on” skin has been launched. Invite two friends to help you get it. On September 24 and September 29, two “national team team logo” and “all the way to journey” China Women’s Basketball Limited Edition payment code skin will be launched respectively. Go and finish the task to get it!
2K23 the warriors of the TV team: Chamberlain 98 Durant & Curry and 97 igodala 84
NBA 2K23, a well-known basketball game, was officially released in 9th day of this month. Although 2K has shifted the focus of making games to various online modes in recent years, it is also the first choice for many players to exchange 1v1 with friends online from time to time. In the most basic “fast match” mode of the 2K series, players can not only choose the teams of the current season, but also choose classic teams such as 95-96 Bulls, 16-17 warriors, 15-16 knights, etc. In recent years, 2K has added the All-Time Teams of 30 Teams in the league on the basis of the above two team choices. Each team has gathered young pioneer team history of the best players, and their ability value also corresponds to their peak ability value during the team’s playing period. [Related reading] Lakers of 2K23 famous lodging team: Magician 99 OK combination is 98 James 96 thick eyebrows 94 The Celtics of the 2K23 lodging team: Bird & the Lord of the Rings 98 Pierce 94 Garnett 92 Rex rabbit 88 Today, let’s introduce the third Golden State Warrior of NBA 2K23 lodging team to see which stars are in this “history’s strongest warrior” (data source 2KRatings). Wilt-Chamberlain-98 (Hall of Fame, 2x championship, 13x All-Star) Kevin Durant-97(2x championship, 12x All-Star) (Note: The number of Durant All-Star is wrong as shown in the following figure) Stephen Curry-97(4x championship and 8x All-Star) (Note: The number of All-Star stars in curry is wrong as shown in the following figure) Rick Barry-95 (Hall of Fame, 1x Championship, 12x All-Star) Chris mullin-94 (Hall of Fame, no championship, 5x All-Star) Nate Thurmond-92 (Hall of Fame, no championship, 7x All-Star) Paul Ali Kim-91 (Hall of Fame, 1x Championship, 10x all-star) Clay Thompson-91(4x championship, 5x All-Star) Byron Davis-91 (no championship, 2x All-Star) Tim Hardaway-90 (Hall of Fame, no championship, 5x All-Star) Raymond Green-89(4x championship and 4x All-Star) (Note: The number of green all-stars is wrong as shown in the following figure) “Sleepy” Freud-88 (no championship, 1x All-Star) Jason Richson-87 (no championship, no all-star) Purvis-salt-86 (no championship, no all-star) Andre igodala-84(4x championship, 1x All-Star) ******************** 2K23 star ability value Summary: Zhan Duku is 96