Live Bar, September 18 news Ayesha-Curry updated personal social media and posted a selfie. Saturday! Let’s get started!” Ayesha.
Good Beauty effect! Ayesha shows selfie: Saturday! Let’s start

Live Bar, September 18 news Ayesha-Curry updated personal social media and posted a selfie. Saturday! Let’s get started!” Ayesha.
Live Bar, September 19 -spain defeated France Men’s Basketball men’s basketball in the final of the European Championship men’s basketball and won the championship successfully. In this campaign, Juan Hernan Gomes made 9 in 11 shots, 7 in 9 in 3 points, and got 27 points, 5 rebounds and 2 steals. After the match, the European Championship officially announced that Juan Hernan Gomes was successfully elected as the best player in the final of this European Championship, while his brother Willie Hernan Gomes was elected as the MVP of this European Championship. (gege) Soraka gathered! Focus on European Basketball Championship
老震在之前介绍完没有拿到过单场60+的众多球星之后,有不少人同时产生了疑问,究竟是什么水平的球员才能完成单场60+这样的壮举?事实上,纵观NBA长达75年的历史,单场60+的比赛也仅仅只有78场而已。这其中既有大家耳熟能详的超级巨星,也有一些荣誉平平、昙花一现的球星,还有不少冉冉升起、未来可期的新星。接下来就让我们一起细数一下吧。 吉尔伯特-阿里纳斯(60分) “大将军”阿里纳斯在入选全明星的那三个赛季,可以算得上是一名超级得分手。他最为人称道的时刻,便是2006-07赛季对阵湖人的一场比赛。阿里纳斯与科比对飙,全场狂砍60分(加时赛16分),帮助奇才以147-141战胜了湖人,让科比的45分黯然失色。 布拉德利-比尔(60分) 比尔有两个场均得分30+的赛季,其中在2020-21赛季,比尔在面对76人的比赛中砍下了60分,但可惜球队以136-141负于对手,那场比赛76人六人得分15+。 拉里-伯德(60分) “大鸟”伯德在1984-85赛季对阵老鹰的比赛中砍下了职业生涯最高的60分,帮助球队126-115战胜对手。那是伯德职业生涯单赛季得分最高的赛季(2295分)。 汤姆-钱伯斯(60分) 1989-90赛季,效力于太阳的钱伯斯得到了60分,统治了老东家超音速的内线。最终太阳121-95大胜超音速。那个赛季钱伯斯总得分2201分。 凯里-欧文(60分) 欧文的60分离大家很近。2021-22赛季,时打时停的欧文在帮助篮网150-108战胜魔术的比赛中大杀四方,仅用31次出手便得到60分(罚球13中12),刷新了个人职业生涯单场最高得分纪录(此前是57分)。 卡尔-安东尼-唐斯(60分) 同样是2021-22赛季,同样是31次出手,唐斯在欧文砍下60分的前一天便已率先砍下了60分,外加17篮板,帮助森林狼149-139战胜马刺。 阿伦-艾弗森(60分) 2004-05赛季,手握三次得分王的艾弗森在面对魔术的比赛中砍下60分,帮助76人以112-99战胜了六人得分上双的魔术。那个赛季,艾弗森以场均30.7分收获了个人第四个得分王。 伯纳德-金(60分) 金唯一一次得分王来自于1984-85赛季(32.9分),在那个赛季面对篮网的比赛中,金30投19中,罚球26中22得到60分。但篮网三人得分20+,最终以120-114战胜了金所在的尼克斯。 杰森-塔图姆(60分) 2020-21赛季,塔图姆在凯尔特人143-140险胜马刺的比赛中发挥出色,37投20中,三分7中5,罚球17中15,砍下60分,其中加时赛得到了全队15分中的10分。 克莱-汤普森(60分) 三节打卡下班的克莱,用一场60分的表演帮助勇士142-106大胜步行者。2016-17赛季,克莱场均22.3分是其生涯至今最高。 肯巴-沃克(60分) 2018-19赛季,沃克在赛季初面对76人的一场比赛中砍下60分,虽然最终黄蜂在加时赛中119-122惜败三人得分上20的76人,但是沃克在本赛季始终发挥出色。场均25.6分4.4篮板5.9助攻1.2抢断,最终入选三阵。 勒布朗-詹姆斯(61分) 2013-14赛季,詹姆斯在热火124-107战胜山猫的比赛中得到了职业生涯最高的61分。那场比赛詹姆斯三分10中8,平生涯最多三分命中纪录的同时出手数最少。“面具詹”从此成为对手最恐怖的回忆。 卡尔-马龙(61分) 马龙虽然没有拿到过得分王,但是他超强的得分能力依旧无可置疑。1989-90赛季,马龙26投21中,罚球23中19,高效砍下61分,外加18篮板,统治了雄鹿的内线,帮助爵士144-96狂胜对手。 乔治-麦肯(61分) 1951-52赛季,三届得分王麦肯在湖人91-81战胜皇家的比赛中独得61分36篮板。但那个赛季的得分王被保罗-阿里金夺得(25.4分)。 沙奎尔-奥尼尔(61分) 1999-2000赛季,奥尼尔以场均29.7分拿到了个人第二个得分王。他在当赛季的一场洛杉矶德比中,狂砍61+23,帮助湖人123-103大胜快船。如果不是因为罚球太差(22中13),奥尼尔甚至有机会冲击70+。 特雷西-麦克格雷迪(62分) 刚刚以32.1分拿到得分王麦迪,在2003-04赛季魔术对阵奇才的一场比赛中与阿里纳斯对飙。阿里纳斯得到40分,但麦迪砍下了62分,帮助的魔术108-99战胜了阿里纳斯所在的奇才。那个赛季麦迪场均28分加冕得分王。 卡梅隆-安东尼(62分) 被称为“进攻万花筒”的安东尼在得分方面的能力无可置疑。2012-13赛季拿下得分王后,在紧接着的2013-14赛季,安东尼面对山猫队狂砍62分,帮助球队125-96大胜对手,至今仍是麦迪逊广场花园的单场最高得分纪录。 斯蒂芬-库里(62分) 2020-21赛季,库里以场均32分拿到了自己的第二个得分王。在赛季初面对开拓者的比赛中,库里半场31分,全场62分,帮助勇士137-122战胜开拓者。纵使开拓者双枪利拉德+CJ合计得到60分也无济于事。 乔-福尔克斯(63分) 在遥远的1948-49赛季,费城勇士108-87战胜印第安纳波利斯喷气机,勇士的福尔克斯56投27中。罚球14中9,得到了63分。那个赛季之前,福尔克斯已经连续两个赛季荣膺得分王,但场均26分的他在那个赛季败给了刚刚登陆联盟的乔治-麦肯(28.3分) 乔治-格文(63分) “冰人”格文是手握四次得分王的超级得分手。1977-78赛季是他第一个得分王的赛季,在对阵爵士的一场比赛中,格文49投23中,罚球20中17,得到了63分。但是爵士五人得分上20,最终以153-132大胜格文所在的马刺。 杰里-韦斯特(63分) 生涯场均27分的“logo男”因为同时代激烈的竞争,最终仅有一个得分王在手,但这并不能掩盖他出色的得分能力。1961-1962赛季的一场比赛中,韦斯特36投22中,罚球22中19,砍下63分,帮助湖人129-121战胜了尼克斯。 里克-巴里(64分) 1973-74赛季,里克-巴里在勇士143-120大胜开拓者的比赛中,45投30中,罚球5中4,狂砍64分,同时还得到了10篮板9助攻5抢断,离60+大三双仅差一次助攻。 皮特-马拉维奇(68分) “手枪”皮特在他的得分王赛季砍下了生涯最高的68分。那是1976-77赛季爵士和尼克斯间的一场比赛,皮特43投26中,罚球19中16,帮助爵士以124-107战胜尼克斯。 德文-布克(70分) 2016-17赛季,二年级的布克在面对凯尔特人的比赛中出战45分钟,40投21中,三分11中4,罚球26中24,得到了惊人的70分。但凯尔特人整体实力更强,最终以130-120战胜了布克所在的太阳。 大卫-罗宾逊(71分) 1993-94赛季马刺收官战对阵快船,“海军上将”罗宾逊狂砍71+14+5,帮助马刺112-94战胜快船,也帮助自己以微弱的优势夺得了生涯唯一一个得分王。 大卫-汤普森(73分) 1977-78赛季,效力于掘金的汤普森在一场比赛中38投28中,罚球20中17,狂砍73分。但最终掘金还是以137-139惜败活塞,活塞全队7人得分上双,其中四人得分20+。 达米安-利拉德(3次,60分、61分、61分) 利拉德虽然至今未取得过得分王,但其得分爆发力不容小觑。2019-20赛季,利拉德单赛季疯狂砍下三次60+,第一次在单赛季场均得分到达30分。 埃尔金-贝勒(3次,63分、64分、71分) “贝勒爷”几乎是湖人众多名宿中最为悲情的一位,这位超级得分手生涯场均27.4分却从未拿到过得分王。1960-1963年间的三个赛季,贝勒场均得分均30+。1960-61赛季,贝勒在一场比赛中48投28中,罚球19中15,狂砍71分25篮板,帮助湖人123-108大胜尼克斯。 詹姆斯-哈登(4次,60分、60分、61分、61分) 哈登的得分表演来自于2017-2020年间,在这三个赛季中,哈登三次获得得分王,四次得分60+,且球队在这四场比赛中无一失利。2017-18赛季,火箭114-107战胜魔术的比赛中,哈登砍下了60+10+11的“60分大三双”。 迈克尔-乔丹(4次,61分、61分、64分、69分) 拥有10个得分王的乔丹在任何得分相关的榜单上都会有一席之地。而其生涯单场最高得分的表演来自于1989-90赛季,公牛117-113战胜骑士的比赛。乔丹全场砍下69分18篮板6助攻4抢断,帮助球队在加时赛中获得了胜利。 科比-布莱恩特(6次,60分、60分、61分、62分、65分、81分) 在单场得分纪录上,科比有几乎独一档的地位。面对猛龙的81分神迹,面对小牛(现独行侠)的三节62分,连续四场50+中的两场60+,生涯最后一战中的60分。科比总能用最简单直接的方式力挽狂澜。 威尔特-张伯伦(32次) 一谈到得分纪录,张伯伦必然会出现。这32次60+中,除了大家都知道的100分,还有5次70+。不过张伯伦输掉了32场中的11场比赛,应该是最早的“空砍群群主”了。
Live Bar, September 19 -france won 76-88 against Spain men’s basketball in the final of the European Championship men’s basketball. The French player funiye played at 32 minutes 44 seconds in this game. He scored 7 out of 14 shots, 4 out of 8 in 3 points, 5 out of 5 free throws, and got 23 points, 3 rebounds, 2 assists and 1 steals. Finally, he had no choice but to lose the game. (gege) Soraka gathered! Focus on European Basketball Championship
Beijing Shougang team will play a warm-up match with Shanxi team on the 15th. The reporter of Beijing Youth Daily learned that the internal and foreign aid Liff had recovered and he might play this warm-up match. Meanwhile, Shougang guard foreign aid Johnson is still waiting for the completion of the work visa, and it is still impossible to determine the departure time. Shougang team played a warm-up match with Shandong team on the 13th. At that time, Liff was not able to play because of diarrhea before the match. After a period of recovery, Liff’s physical condition gradually improved. On the 14th, Cliff participated in the training of the whole team, which was a positive signal. Liff may play today’s warm-up match with Shanxi team. Shougang team needs to let Liff find the state through more games and produce stronger chemical reactions with teammates at the same time. It is also understood that the relevant procedures for Shougang guard’s foreign aid Johnson to China have not been completed. Johnson handled his work visa slowly, which directly affected his departure time. It is still uncertain when Johnson will come to Shougang team.
Live Bar, September 13 -today’s famous A- Smith talked about Owen in the new season in the First Take Program. A- Smith said: “I think Owen is one of the MVP candidates for the new season. I think he will put on A good show. Everyone had better accept this fact. Because this guy is playing for the next contract.” Owen has 36.5 million dollars a year left in the contract and will become a free agent next summer.
Two years after Guo Allen officially renewed his contract with Liaoning men’s basketball, Li Hongqing, the former general manager of Liao basket, posted a photo in the circle of friends, with the text “brothers together! Win the championship again!” According to the certification of sports big business, this photo is a photo of Guo Allen on the day of renewal. Among them, the group photo C is Guo Allen and Song Kai, the director of Liaoning Sports Bureau. On one side, Yang Ming, the coach of Liao basket, and the famous side who returned to Liao basket and served as the vice president of the club and the director of youth training, on the other side is Li Hongqing, the former Liao basket manager, and Liu Ziqing, the current general manager of Liao basket and Liu Jingyuan’s second son. This picture not only conveys the importance that Guo Allen received during the renewal negotiation, but also shows the new pattern of management personnel in Liaoning men’s basketball. Guo Allen was able to renew the contract, Song Kai, director of Liaoning Sports Bureau, jugong Zhiwei. Earlier, sports big business had revealed, “when Guo Allen and Liaoning men’s basketball negotiations reached a deadlock, Song Kai, director of Liaoning Sports Bureau, had personally asked Guo Allen about his application for transfer, he instructed Liao basket to try his best to leave Guo Allen. Guo Allen could put forward relevant conditions for his stay in the team to the sports bureau and the club.” It was under Song Kai’s active intervention that Guo Allen finally renewed his contract with the team for two years. After Guo Allen renewed his contract, Song Kai said earnestly: “Liaoning men’s basketball is a banner of Liaoning sports, while Guo Allen is an excellent athlete trained by Liaoning sports. In the past five years, Liao basket won the gold medal of the National Games twice and the CBA championship twice, becoming the pride of the people. Retaining the core players can ensure that the competitiveness of this honorary division of Liao basket will not be weakened and continue to boost the revitalization of Liaoning sports.” In the view of sports big business, this picture also shows the personnel arrangement of Liaoning men’s basketball. Li Hongqing, the general manager of the Meritorious Service who helped Liao basket win two championships, made a successful retreat, while Liu Jingyuan’s young erqu Liu Ziqing took charge of the daily operation of the club. Li Hongqing and Liu Ziqing stood at one place, which also showed the support of the general manager of meritorious for the new general manager and helped him to take a ride. Former Liaoning men’s basketball star Bian Qiang returned and served as vice president of the club and director of youth training. Liu Ziqing, Bian Qiang and Yang Ming will become the core management of leading Liao basket to win the championship again.
Live broadcast on September 18 news the triple battle of the super-middleweight world boxing champion unified battle in the world’s professional boxing champion competition ended in Las Vegas today. Finally, the 12-round battle between Mexican boxing champion Alvarez and Kazakhstan boxing champion Golovkin ended, in the end, Alvarez defeated Golovkin in points. The two sides fought three times within five years, and Alvarez won 2 wins and 1 draw to win. During the match, Warrior star Curry and Lakers striker Anderson came to the scene to help Alvarez. Curry and Alvarez were good friends. Curry was “taught to be a man” by Alvarez twice on the golf course “, anderson is Mexican. Golovkin (black boxing gloves, left) vs Alvarez (white boxing gloves, right) (Topelin)
Live Bar, September 15 -today, the Lakers officially updated Twitter, drying out the shooting training photos with heavy eyebrows and writing: “soak in the training hall and carve skills.” The Lakers’ opening game for the new season will be played away against Warriors on October 19. (Shrimp catcher)
Live broadcast on September 19, O’Neal talked about his son, javelli O’Neal, in an interview with USA Today. O’Neal said: “(I play NBA) hope to reduce the pressure of life, because I am crazy. I must succeed, and he really doesn’t have to succeed, but I must succeed. So I broke through the obstacles, because my motives were different. I only cared about one thing at that time. I had to buy a house for my mother. Even if I only play for two years, as long as my mother has a new house to live in, I will be happy. Now Sharif must find his motivation and continue to work for it.” Although O’Neal’s road to NBA seemed as easy as walking in the park, O’Neal said he did his best to do this. He has always regarded entering NBA as plan A, and there is no Plan B. In the summer league this year, Sharif played 4 games in total, with an average of 11.5 minutes, scoring 4.8 points 2.3 rebounds and 44 percent field goal percentage. He then joined the development league lighting team with a 6-digit annual salary. (Stan)